Tuesday 20 August 2013

Teamcenter Dispatcher Framework

Presently I am working Translation Service of Teamcenter. Though to share my learning experience with you people. Translation service comes as a Dispatcher Service under teamcenter installation. Translation service is nothing but to translate one file format to other. For example Doc to PDF. The broader task any translation are as follows.

a) Extract Data from Teamcenter.
b) Execute Translation.
c) Load translated result to teamcenter.

Hence the Dispatcher Service of teamcenter has three main components.
1) Scheduler
2) Module
3) Dispatcher Client

There is one more component called Dispatcher Admin which is basically used for Admin activity and it is optional component. Each of the above three component run independently and can be run as service or in console. Each component can be run in different server. As name suggests scheduler manage the whole framework by interacting between Module and Dispatcher client. Dispatcher Client component basically manage extract and loading of data. Module does actual translation. The below diagram depict the Translation Frame work.

Dispatcher Client is the front end of Dispatcher Framework which basically interacts with Teamcenter through SOA for translation request. Teamcenter required to be configuring through ETS preferences for new translation services and object type on which this service is valid. Once the request is received to Dispatcher Client, it processes the request and put all extracted files required to be translated in to directory called staging directory. Staging directory is required to be configured during Dispatcher Service Installation. In staging directory a unique subfolder is created for each request by Dispatcher client based on Task ID generated during user request in Teamcenter. Once Dispatcher client completes the extract, it inform scheduler for translation processing. Scheduler in turn informs Module to start processing the task. Module translate the file and put the output in staging directory. Once completed schedule ping the Dispacher client which load translated file back to Teamcenter. Siemens PLM provide lot of out of box translation service which required to be make active.

Source: http://teamcenterplm.blogspot.in/

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