Tuesday 8 October 2013

An intuitive web-based shop floor work instructions solution

The quest is still on to find the most efficient way to provide work instructions to the shop floor. After all, we all know the problems associated with paper based, uncontrolled work instructions. They are not always clear, accessible or accurate. Evidently the answer is to rely on IT systems to create, publish and manage shop floor work instructions. However, there is always a debate about what kind of IT system is most suitable for managing work instructions.

First option is to install a dedicated work instructions software packgage capable of managing 2D/3D product and process data. In most cases, these dedicated systems are quite useful for managing work instruction templates, presenting visual data and making sure that shop floor workers have easy access to the system. However, they lack the ability to ensure that product design and manufacturing information are all interconnected. They cannot give manufacturers the confidence that the work instructions are always current and up to date.

The second option is to manage work instruction using the ERP and MES systems. It is true that MES and ERP systems are enterprise platforms, and they are capable of resolving data associativity issues, but traditionally they lack the ability to provide rich process instructions with 2D/3D data and animated steps to the shop floor.

The third option is to manage the work instructions as part of the PLM platform. This allows manufacturers to verify that work instructions are always up to date with the latest product and process data. In addition, because of access to the CAD data, PLM systems are much better equipped to present 2D/3D visual data in the work instructions.

For our manufacturing customers, we have recently launched a new way of accessing work instruction at the shop floor. The Teamcenter Electronic Work Instruction (EWI) solution is a web-based application that helps manufacturers communicate all manufacturing process information, including process steps, 2D/3D visuals, markups, standard texts and PMI information to the shop floor.

EWI is especially developed by keeping in mind the daily tasks and processes of shop floor workers. Shop floor workers can access the work instructions using an easy to navigate and intuitive user interface. You will find that the EWI user interface has a touch based navigation optimized for mobile devices, and it’s lightweight architecture ensures it doesn’t take significant computing resources of the device.

Most importantly, EWI is directly connected to the Teamcenter database. Therefore, any time there is a change in product design or manufacturing process, it can be immediately reflected at the shop floor. Watch the below video and learn how Teamcenter EWI can help you manage work instructions documents and allow your shop floor employees to have easy access to up to date process steps.

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